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The BS EA & BS EASF are 2-component reaction resin mortars based on epoxyacrylate for the BS EA and a styrene-free epoxyacrylate For the BS EASF and will be delivered in a 2-C cartridge system. This product may be used in combination of a hand-, battery-, or pneumatic tool and a static mixer. It was designed as a cost effective alternative for the anchoring of threaded rods and internal threaded rod sleeves for approved applications. By using a screen sleeve, an easy and safe application in hollow bricks is guaranteed. The BS EA & BS EASF products are characterized by good applications with an ambiance temperature up to 80°C.

ETA approval for both products
French VOC (A+) approval for both products
LEED certificate for BS EASF

BS EA / BS EASF Enquiry Form